Dear Friends,

As spring arrives and the world begins to open, new signs of life are sprouting all around us. Signs that remind us of the resilience that emerges during times of challenge. Despite the losses and difficulties that have happened over the past year, we’ve found great hope in unexpected places such as online programs and virtual events. At the same time, the unwavering support of our community has been a constant source of hope and for that, we will always be grateful.
With our annual Walk for Wellness quickly approaching, there is an undeniable energy taking shape. We see teams fundraising, individuals signing up for the very first time, and longstanding sponsors returning with determination and dedication to our mission. We are empowered by these shows of support and all that can happen when we collectively pull together–even when apart. This year, our goal is to walk 3,000 miles! All day long we will walk in the neighborhood and parks surrounding Wellness House, in Forest Preserve locations throughout the city and suburbs, and individual locations chosen by walkers. As the miles accumulate that day, so will the hope and strength we find in one another. For participants Brianna and Austin Harmon, who are profiled on page 3 of this newsletter, the walk brings a sense of togetherness, community, and now after an unexpected cancer diagnosis, a place of heartfelt connection to Wellness House.