35 Stories of Community and Hope
We’re excited to share 35 stories throughout the year from our community of participants, donors and volunteers. It all began 35 years ago because of a dedicated group of people who came together to help people with cancer thrive. Now, 35 years later, Wellness House has served more than 50,000 individuals. Check back through this year for stories from the past and present that celebrate our community.

1. A Shared Vision
Wellness House was bult not only with love and hope, but also with contributions of material, labor, and talent from 300 contractors and suppliers and 1,200 technicians. These very special people combined their talents to produce a complete $2 million facility at no cost to Wellness House.
Two men coordinated the solicitation, delivery, scheduling and vision for this amazing effort. Local Builder Phil Dressler and Wellness House Board Member Jim Caplice were central to the 30-month task. Together, Phil and Jim made sure that Wellness House was a shared vision. Whatever the material, whatever the idea, whenever labor was available, the giver was welcome and the gift became part of the House. Wellness House, like a home, is the place of comfort, safety, joy and community.
Thank you to Phil, Jim and all those who helped build the Home of Hope.

2. Wellness House Participant – Ghadeer
“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2022, I told myself that I was strong and could handle this on my own. But after completing my treatment in May, I found myself caught in a roller coaster of emotions. The fear, the loneliness—despite being surrounded by my incredible family and friends—was overwhelming. I felt like no one truly understood what I was going through. They wanted me to be okay, but inside, I wasn’t. That’s when I reached out to my oncologist, who suggested Wellness House. I called Ellen, and from the very first conversation, I knew I had found someone who truly understood me and knew exactly what I was experiencing. I signed up for everything— exercise classes, cooking classes, painting, yoga, meditation—and it was in these moments that I began to rediscover myself. I learned so much about who I am, what I need, and how to regain control of my anxiety. I became stronger, not just physically but emotionally, too. Wellness House became a second home to me, and the staff became my extended family. I can’t even imagine my cancer journey without the unwavering support and love I’ve received there. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you do. You’ve made all the difference in my life, and I will forever be grateful.”. – Ghadeer

3. An Unforseen Journey
“It was a beautiful fall day when I had my annual mammogram, but then I received the call that the results didn’t go as planned. I needed to have a biopsy and received my breast cancer diagnosis in late November 2017. After a second opinion and a multitude of tests, I had a lumpectomy in January 2018 followed by chemo and radiation. My treatment ended in September of 2018. Throughout this journey as I visited with my team of doctors, I noticed the theme of the “Wellness House” in the waiting rooms. The doctors had the physical issues under control, but I wasn’t sure how to physiologically deal this unexpected diagnosis. Then one of my doctors suggested I call Jeri, the Pink Ribbon instructor at Wellness House. Jeri welcomed me to observe her class, then she recommended I attend the networking group that evening. In the meantime, I met with Ellen for my orientation and was amazed at the many resources offered at the Wellness House. It was a whirlwind after that. I felt so lost and overwhelmed, but at the same time I felt understood. I was, and still am, so grateful for the leaders, instructors, staff and other cancer patients and survivors I met during this time. While in treatment, I participated in exercise and mind/body classes, nutrition classes, seminars, and the networking group. The support and understanding I experienced helped me to navigate this unforeseen journey. It takes a certain kind of person to work with those affected by cancer. I feel so lucky to have met such caring and talented people at the Wellness House. ” – Therese

4. One Day at a Time
“I came to Wellness House as soon as I was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2017 by joining Michael William’s general cancer support group. I was a little scared about what I’d encounter there because everyone I knew who had cancer, had died. Here, people were thriving! I’ve participated in many classes and have been a financial supporter and fund raiser because I believe that Wellness House has helped me in so many ways. Seven years later, I am still an avid member of chair yoga, exercise classes, reiki, and Michael’s general cancer support group. I am super grateful to have Wellness House as a tool for my recovery. Everyone on the staff is so kind as well as knowledgeable in the field of cancer. When I first joined an exercise class, I was surprised at how many certifications the instructors had. They really know their field and have helped me get stronger as well as more confident. Being able to have salon services is also so helpful. WGN-TV came out to do a spot on how haircuts can help cancer patients feel better and I was “the face of the Unique Boutique.” I’m still getting haircuts there! I can’t even begin to describe how much Wellness House has helped me deal with my cancer in a happy, positive way. At different times in my diagnosis, I’ve had to take an absence from playing violin in a local symphony. Because of the exercise classes I’ve taken there, I’m stronger and have the endurance to be playing again. My motto is, One day at a time, with a good attitude.” Candy
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