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Home » Wellness House Spring Newsletter 2018

Wellness House Spring Newsletter 2018

    Spring is here. As I write this message, Chicagoland temperatures are barely above the freezing mark, but my calendar reassures me that the air will be soon be warmer, flowers will bloom, and our trees and parks will once again be green. Springtime has significance. Nearing the end of the school year, start of baseball season, the fleeting supermarket appearance of Cadbury® chocolate eggs – these annual happenings are associated in our minds with the sensations of spring. I’m delighted to see that, over the years, many of our constituents have also come to equate spring’s arrival with our Walk for Wellness House. With great anticipation and energy, they look forward to organizing their teams, setting goals, and joining the enthusiastic crowd of runners and walkers at Wellness House on a morning in May. (This year, it will be Sunday, May 6.)