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Home » Wellness House Spring 2022 Newsletter

Wellness House Spring 2022 Newsletter

    Dear Friends,

    Spring is a season of hope and change. The anticipation of tiny shoots of green and warmer days feels pronounced as we continue our transition back to in-person programs at Wellness House. The past two years have been weighty for so many of us, particularly for those experiencing cancer. And yet, through the wintry days of cancer, you have helped provide a space filled with hope and light – a home.

    During the past year, over 500 programs made their way into homes every month. Individuals, families and caregivers from all backgrounds and locations experienced the strength of community through support groups, informational programs and events like our Happy Heart Valentine Party where kids enjoyed crafts, cookie creations and magic. In the story on page four of this newsletter, Luciana Butera shares how she found hope and healing right in her own home as a result of our online programs. At a time when her cancer diagnosis threw her dreams of a new life in the United States off course, Wellness House programs brought her community and shared experiences when she needed a space to connect and feel understood.

    Last year, Luciana attended the Walk for Wellness House and found comfort in joining her fellow support group members so that others like her could attend programs at no cost, in person and online. We join Luciana, and hope you will too, in her excitement on May 1 as we come together for an in person Walk for Wellness House. Our doors are open, and we can’t wait to see you. We are beyond grateful to you for all the ways you have supported Wellness House.