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Home » Wellness House Spring 2020 Newsletter

Wellness House Spring 2020 Newsletter

    Dear Friends,

    For 30 years, Wellness House has been inspired by the determination and resilience of our participants. During this time, our programs have educated, supported and empowered more than 42,000 people who have turned to us during times of fear, isolation, and the unknown that comes with a cancer diagnosis. Today is no exception, and in fact, the need for Wellness House programs is even greater. As our world struggles with the new realities of social distancing, people diagnosed with cancer report an increase in stress, isolation and new life challenges. Our commitment to our mission and the people we serve has never been stronger.

    Wellness House entered a new era on March 16 by providing all programs online. In the first 6 weeks of online programs, nearly 800 people made over 6,000 visits. Active and engaged participation confirmed what we had suspected, people need support now more than ever. In this newsletter, Jan Szalaj shares her experience of life after a brain cancer diagnosis, surgery and chemotherapy. She tells of the incredible journey she took to relearn basic life skills following treatment. Wellness House was here to help Jan build her strength through in-person exercise classes and continues to be here with online classes Jan can participate in from the safety of her home during the pandemic.