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Home » Wellness House Fall 2021 Newsletter

Wellness House Fall 2021 Newsletter

    Dear Friends,

    The pandemic has been a difficult journey for many, particularly for those who are coping with cancer. Faced with the uncertainty of illness, cancer survivors and their families experience challenges and distress beyond what most can imagine. Because of you and your support of Wellness House, though, these same individuals have access to nearly 500 online programs each month. Programs that are designed to reduce the devastating effects of isolation, empower someone to feel stronger, or help a family navigate cancer together. And because everything we do has been available online, people have made more than 47,500 visits from 32 different states in the past year.

    Throughout the twists and turns of an unpredictable year, a constant thread of hope has bound us together. We’ve seen the transformative effects of generosity as the light of this hope moves from one person to another. In the story on page 4 of this newsletter, Valarie Traynham shares how the experience of receiving support from Wellness House provided her with a new direction to help others. “Throughout this whole process, I have found my purpose. I know what I’m supposed to be doing now, and it’s so rewarding to be able to help people along.” Valarie’s story embodies the synchronicity of giving and receiving–they are one and the same.

    The name of our fall fundraiser, Under One Sky, taking place on October 15, speaks to our mutual commitment
    as a community to both give and receive. A special thank you to the Luminaries lighting the way for this year’s event: Angie and Wes Breton; Stephanie and Freddie Brzozowski; Lauren and Matthew Houder; Debbie and Jim
    Hultquist; Jenna and Ken Julian; Briana and Peter Murray; Lori and Clay Naccarato; and Beth Sharp. We are deeply grateful to you as we share one sky and celebrate the healing and hope that brings us closer to our vision that all people affected by cancer thrive.