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Home » Virtual version of Walk for Wellness – The Hinsdalean

Virtual version of Walk for Wellness – The Hinsdalean

    For more than two decades, people have gathered one spring morning each year to stroll together through the streets of Hinsdale in support of Wellness House. Known as the Walk for Wellness House, the event raises money for the organization’s cancer support programs and awareness of the services provided for people with cancer and their loved ones.

    “It’s something that the community has grown to expect and look forward to being part of,” said Executive Director Lisa Kolavennu. And while things will look a little different this year, Kolavennu said even a pandemic won’t get in the way of this important event.

    Like so many events, the Walk for Wellness House has been moved online this year. Rather than a gathering of thousands walking the route together, participants are encouraged to forge their own paths at a time that works for them.

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