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When Alejandra discovered she had stage 3 breast cancer the first thing she thought about was her family, who are all back in Mexico. She immigrated to the US, alone, in search of a better life, and had not made any significant connections or relationships with anyone until she arrived at Wellness House.

Feeling a deep sense of dread and fear of death she found solace, friendship, and a newfound family while attending our Spanish Wellness House Breast Cancer support group. Alejandra calls the women in her weekly meetings “mis hermanas” – her sisters.

“The people I met at Wellness House, from the staff to the other participants, became my family,” says Alejandra. “They gave me courage and hope that I could survive cancer.” In addition to support groups and counseling, Alejandra regularly attends our yoga classes and participated, along with her support group cohort, our Walk For Wellness House event this past Spring.“It was amazing to see so many people together in support of each other,” she says while wiping tears. “I didn’t feel alone anymore because I was with my Wellness House family.”

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